Guidelines for assisted living facilities in Denver CO

Providing a safe place for seniors to live is the goal of assisted living. In Denver, CO, there are nearly 3,000 long-term care facilities for those who can no longer take care of themselves. Each of these facilities must comply with the regulations of the State of Denver, CO concerning permits, certifications and licenses. Adequately staffing these assisted living facilities is also important. In order to open an assisted living center in Denver, CO, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the licensing requirements as well as the regulations regarding staffing and patient care.

·         Certification
To open a nursing assisted living center in the state of Denver, CO, you need to get a permit. You must apply for a permit at least 30 days before the establishment. The license application must include a facility operating plan, employee manual, proof of ownership and license information and figures for the administrator and nursing director.

The facility must pass an inspection by the Denver, CO Ministry of Human Resources. This control includes fire and safety and compliance with housing standards and regulations. After passing the inspection, the permit must be posted in a public place in the establishment. The number of beds, which shows how many residents of your establishment can take care of at once, is listed on your license. You must not exceed this number unless you receive a temporary waiver from the Denver, CO Ministry of Human Resources.

Additional certification will be required if the facility will accept Medicaid and Medicare insurance. Contact the Medicare and Medicaid Service Center for more information.

·         Staffing Regulations
Under the regulations of the State of Denver, CO, assisted living facilities must employ an institutional administrator, a director of nursing and have at least one registered or registered nurse (RN, LPN) on shift. Other employees include additional nurses, nurse aides, and food and housekeeping staff. A licensed or licensed nurse is required for all seven nurses or shift assistants.

It is also necessary that a dietitian supervise the dietetic service to train employees, diet menus and ensure that residents with special dietary needs receive the recommended foods from their doctor, dentist or other health professional. Contact the American Dietetic Association for more information on certification requirements.

Those working in the household should be familiar with OSHA safety standards and comply with state health regulations.

·         Patient care
In addition to hiring a nursing staff, you must also hire a qualified activities manager. The activities director will be responsible for planning appropriate activities for residents and their families. The activities director should be able to plan activities for individuals and small groups.

Keep accurate records of all residents and the care they receive. If your institution offers physical therapy, for example, record all therapy sessions, results and concerns of the resident has during the session.


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